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Premier ProㅣHow to solve audio sync problem. Sometimes your video is okay but the audio is played 1-2 secs earlier or later. It is because the file is using Variable Frame Rate(VFR). It sounds quite peculiar but just remember that all you have to do is change the file format to CONSTANT Frame Rate. If you are using a Mac, then download HandBrake and just check 'Constant Framerate' so VFR option is cancelled. And generate a new file, and br.. 2018. 9. 30.
Vocas Under the par : 실망스러운 (They are under the par)Exploiting : 악용하는 2018. 9. 20.
After EffectsㅣHow to make instagram live chat_인스타그램 라이브 채팅 만드는 방법 Well, I've made an instagram-like icons and etc, but just brought in iphone-looking video for the test. Actually it is applying 'track matte'. First, make a full-length chat records with Photoshop.We are going to make a 'frame', which has no photos but only the frames, and move the full-length chat from the top to the bottom.Imagine people can only see the area WITHIN the frames. That's what we'.. 2018. 9. 20.
After EffectsㅣHow to make smooth movements_부드럽게 움직이기 You can animate your layers to move to somewhere else by using 'position'.First, set the layer on the starting position, and press 'position' clock button.Then you can select the time when animation stops on the timeline.If you press a diamond-shaped marker on the left hand side of 'position' clock, it shows like the photo above. It is quite straight forward after it.Pull down the yellow SQUARE .. 2018. 9. 19.
Premier ProㅣHow to snap clips together_클립들 한번에 붙이기 Aw... This looks awful, isn't it? But there's a way to snap these altogether. Go to you project on the left and right click->create a color matte, just press ok don't waste your time on choosing your favorite color..just proceed :) extend it above your clips, and select all your clips, and put it over the color matte BUT DON'T CLICK ANYWHERE YET!! You have to bring it back to its original positi.. 2018. 9. 19.
Premiere ProㅣHow to customize keyboards_키보드 단축키 변경 It is a simple task,just press CMD+ALT+K (Ctrl+Alt+K in Windows) and this window pops up. Select the command you want and click under the 'SHORTCUT' column.If you click on the left hand side of this INVISIBLE BOARDER between command and shortcut, it won't work.So don't be startled and press on the right had side. Then a black box appears as the picture above indicates.Well, just type in the shor.. 2018. 9. 19.
PhotoshopㅣHow to make round edges_사진 모서리 둥글게 만들기 First, select 'select' tool and select the whole layer(what a rhyme!). and go to Select->Modify->Smooth and type in the pixels. the higher it gets, the rounder layer edge becomes.*Don't forget to check 'Apply effect at canvas bounds'. 한글 설명 필요하시면 댓글 달아주세용.빠잉! 2018. 9. 19.
Premiere ProㅣHow to lock a marker to the clip when changing its speed/duration_클립 재생 속도 변경시 마커 고정하는 법 There's actually a no way to lock a marker to the clip. For example, if you make your clip speed 140%, and place markers, and change its speed/duration back to 100%, the markers will just stay in their essential position. So to find your marked place even after changing its speed/duration, you have to CMD+K(or Ctrl+K in Windows. It is called 'Add Edit') and cut the clip BEFORE changing its speed.. 2018. 9. 19.
Premiere ProㅣHow to skip many frames_프레임 많이 건너뛰는 법 1. J,K,L J=play backward 뒤로 감기K=stop playing 재생 멈춤L=play forward 재생 2.Shift+ArrowsShift+left = go back by many frames 뒤로 건너뛰기Shift+right = go forward by many frames. 앞으로 건너뛰기 2018. 9. 19.
[경영] 1000억 달러 짜리 도박 성공하든 실패하든, 손정의는 기술 투자의 세계를 바꿔놓고 있다. 2년 전에 누군가가 기술 산업에서 가장 영향력 있는 사람의 이름을 대라고 했다면, 사람들은 아마존의 제프 베조스나 알리바바의 마윈(Jack Ma), 아니면 페이스북의 마크 주커버그를 말했을 것이다. 오늘날 그 명단에 도전자(contender)가 등장했다. 바로 손정의(Masayoshi Son)다. 일본의 통신 사업체이자 인터넷 회사인 소프트뱅크의 창립자인 손정의는 세계에서 가장 유망한 젊은 회사들을 엄청난 투자금으로 먹어치우고(gobbling up) 있다. 그가 세운 비전 펀드(Vision Fund)는 그것이 투자하는 산업과 다른 투자자들에게 혼란을 초래(disrupt)하고 있는 것이다. 비전 펀드는 2016년 이루어진 손정의와 무하마드 빈.. 2018. 5. 21.